Kerry Galloway
Bass, Musical DirectorSteelin’s versatile and gifted leader Kerry Galloway began his career in his 20s playing, touring and recording bass for artists of the stature of Bob Hope, kd lang and Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show. Kerry studied jazz with veterans of the ensembles of Miles Davis and Wynton Marsalis, and lived and played in Paris for years. His intensely creative career shows little sign of stopping: in 2023, at nearly the same time as CITY’s album “Die Letze Runde” hit #1 on Germany’s rock album charts (featuring Kerry’s co-write “Wir Haben Wind Gesät” twice, once with the Berlin Symphony), John Korsrud’s Hard Rubber Orchestra’s avant-garde album “Iguana” (for which Kerry played bass) was nominated for a JUNO. This autumn Kerry will be travelling to perform some of his cowrites with Michael Friedman at the Berlin Konzerthaus while simultaneously taking remote classes from Oxford. Kerry holds a Bachelor of Music from VCC, an M.Ed from SFU, and is currently embarked on a further MA (also SFU). For more info, click here to visit Kerry’s website.
photo: Tom Paille
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